We are just not a cog but the “gear”
- Quantum Circuits and Correlation group, Low Temperature Laboratory, Aalto University, Finland
- Prof. Pertti Hakonen: Graphene, Topological Superconductivity
- Superconducting Qubits and Circuit QED, Low Temperature Laboratory, Aalto University, Finland
- Dr. Sorin Paraoanu: Graphene Research
- Physique Mésoscopique group, LPENS, Paris, France
- Prof. Bernard Plaçais: Graphene Research
- Prof. Gwendal Fève: Electron Quantum Optics
- Ruitenbeek Lab, Kamerlingh Onnes, Leiden University, Netherlands
- Prof. Jan van Ruitenbeek: Shot noise and graphene-graphene edge contact
- Centre de Physique Théorique, Aix Marseille Université, France
- Prof Thierry Martin: Fractional quantum Hall effect, shot noise
- Theory group, Laboratoire de Physique des Solides , UMR 8502, France
- Prof. Inès Safi: Finite frequency shot noise
- Stahl-electronics, Mettenheim, Germany
- Dr. Stefan Stahl: Cryogenic electronics